Keeping your personal profile up to date is important as it acts as your business card, within the network, letting other members of your network know who you are.




To access your personal profile click on your name at the top of the page:


Note: First name, Last name and Email can not be changed.
These are taken from the information you entered when you registered for your EU Login.

All users have to be affiliated with a Healthcare provider ! You will have to select the correct Healthcare Provider.

- Select the mendatory field "Healthcare provider name *"

- Click Submit

You will see a green banner saying "Profile has been edited"


You can add as much contact information as you like. Just select from the dropdown menu. Fill in the information and click +. Continue until you have added all those you want other members to be able to see



You can change the picture displayed on your profile. This will replace the default picture shown next to your name when, for example, you publish content